October 22, 2016


Of course you guys know what insomnia is. Insomnia is difficulty falling asleep or sleepless. And I'm suffering from insomnia. It's sounded so bad I'm sounded like a drug addict.
Btw here's a quick explanation of insomnia.

When I was 15, I tend to have trouble falling asleep. (bcs I started to like k-drama, blame k-drama !!) I was still in secondary school so banyak kali ponteng sekolah and felt lazy untuk berfikir sbb mengantuk. Bila cuti sekolah, lagi lah tak boleh tidur. Kadang kadang seharian tak tidur sbb tgk k-drama.

Okay tu tak teruk. Yang teruk when I was 18, habis SPM duk kat rumah je sambil tunggu tawaran sambung study and tak buat apa apa, I'm was sleepless and it was so damn hard falling asleep. It isn't as simple as placing your head upon a pillow and closing your eyes. I broke my record, I couldn't sleep for 3 days. So dalam masa 3 hari, macam macam terjadi.
  • 1st rasa macam orang sakit mental. I talked to myself tanpa sedar(layan daydreaming kot). Lepastu bila sedar, I was like"apa aku cakap". Creepy isn't it ? HAHAHA
  • 2nd, I've experienced disturbing hallucinations (heard something and idk how to describe that sounded) I was so scared as hell, panggil my brother and he was so confused and dunno what to do so he called my mom, and my brother bagi ubat batuk and Panadol (not recommended) so that boleh tidur. LOL. Setiap 10 minit mesti terjaga sampai la ubat tu worked for me. I slept almost 25 hours masa tu. Bangun je rasa happy then takleh tidur balik. Fyi, hallucinations banyak kali terjadi. Bcs of it, it affected me till now, i'm afraid of dark and I sleep with the lights on. 
  • 3rd, rasa macam diperhatikan (maybe perasaan kot). Bila keluar dari bilik, rasa takut sangat. It feels like someone is hiding at somewhere. Lepas tu cepat cepat kunci pintu. Ni pun one of the hallucination. It happened when i was alone at home siang and malam.
  • 4th, otak rasa pressure eventho tak buat apa apa.
  • 5th jadi sensitive,get sad over silly things and rasa serabut, rimas.

When I was at college, I tried so hard to stay alive during daylight and kept active till I got tired so I could easily fall asleep and bangun esok paginya pergi kelas.
Huhuhu now dah habis diploma and tengah tunggu tawaran sambung sarjana muda, it happens again. I cant sleep bcs its hard. Tapi tak seteruk yang tu. Takde hallucinating, takde fear yang 3rd tadi tu and tak cepat sensitive tapi banyak day dreaming, normal lah tu kan kakakaka. Tiap malam tak boleh tidur, and bila siang je tidur, i'm such a functionless. 3 weeks ago, I felt so dizzy and fainted in the bathroom. And my mom blame me for not sleeping. LOL.

So those who suffer from insomnia or cant sleep, check this out. Hope it helps you.

안녕히 주무세요 !